2014年11月19日,上海社會科學院黨委書記潘世偉教授、歷史研究所副所長王健教授🐑、世界中國學所副所長梅俊傑教授、國際問題研究所副所長📡、國際合作處處長李軼海教授一行到訪海峽大學孔子學院。海峽大學教務長Ali Tekcan教授、亞洲研究中心和孔子學院創始院長Selçuk Esenbel教授、孔子學院外方院長Arzu Öztürkmen 教授、中方院長劉義博士、亞洲研究中心Altay Atlı博士等參加會談。 Ali Tekcan教授代表海峽大學歡迎上海社科院代表團來訪,並介紹了海峽大學的總體情況。潘世偉教授感謝海峽大學的邀請,介紹了上海社科院的發展狀況🐋。Selçuk Esenbel教授和Arzu Öztürkmen教授介紹了孔子學院和亞洲研究中心最近的活動,特別是在學術研究方面的進展。Altay Atlı博士分享了自己在中國-土耳其經貿關系等方面的研究,以及跟中國學者加強進一步聯系的期望。 在會談的最後,劉義博士簡單說明了海峽孔院在《土耳其藍皮書》、中國-土耳其論壇等方面的工作🎛,以及海峽大學跟上海社會科學院在國際關系🪡、中國學等方面交流合作的可能⛑️。
Delegation of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Visited CIBU November 19, 2014, the delegation from Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences visited Confucius Institute at Boğaziçi University. The delegation was led by Prof. Pan Shiwei, Party Secretary of CPC Committee in SASS, including Prof. Wang Jian, Deputy director of Institute of History and Director of Center for the Study of West Asia and North Africa, Prof. Mei Junjie, Deputy Director of Institute of China Studies, and Prof. Li Yihai, Director of Office of International Cooperation. Provost of Boğaziçi University, Prof. Ali Tekcan, together with Prof. Selçuk Esenbel, Prof. Arzu Öztürkmen, Dr. Altay Atlı, and Dr. Yi Liu hosted the guests. Prof. Ali Tekcan welcomed the delegation, and introduced the general situation of Boğaziçi University. Boğaziçi University is a leading institution of higher education in Turkey, with a strong China initiative and a close relationship with Shanghai University. Prof. Selçuk Esenbel and Prof. Arzu Öztürkmen introduced the recent activities of Confucius Institute and Asian Studies Center, especially the new development in academic research. Dr. Altay Atlı shared his research on China-Turkey economic and trade relations, as well as his expectation for further cooperation with Chinese scholars. At last, Dr. Yi Liu shared the research initiative of Confucius Institute, such as The Blue Book of Turkey and China-Turkey Forum.